A Horrifying Situation Where a Man Finds "Human Finger" in the Ice Cream he Ordered...!

Imagine enjoying a bowl of your favourite ice cream only to find something horrifying within. On Wednesday, June 12, Dr. Brendan Ferrao, a 27-year-old Mumbai, India resident, had this dread come true.

Dr. Ferrao excitedly started indulging in his ice cream after placing an order for delivery. He felt something odd on his tongue halfway through. He was shocked to see, upon closer examination, that something looked like a human finger lodged in his dessert.

His sister called the police right away, and they have since reported the incident to the maker of the ice cream. In order to determine how such a horrific accident could happen, authorities will be inspecting the ice cream manufacturing and packaging facilities. The severed finger has been sent for forensic analysis.

This story is reminiscent of something that happened in 2020 in São Paulo, Brazil, to a schoolboy named Victor Santos. He found a human finger in his meat pie, complete with a fingernail. The horrifying discovery was ultimately explained as the result of a chef's unintentional amputation of his fingertip while using a meat cutter.
