Astrologer Predicts World War III to Begin on June 18.

The "New Nostradamus" astrologer believes that World War III will break out in a few days. The Indian has also reiterated his forecast subsequent to dropping the bombshell. June 18 would be the start of World War III, according to Kushal Kumar's May predictions.

This week, Kushal Kumar reiterated his May prediction, this time stating that "NOW, Tuesday, 18 June 2024 has the strongest planetary stimulus to trigger WW3," following the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash.

In a follow-up Medium post on Thursday, June 13, Kumar listed other recent, unsettling incidents that corroborated his assertion.

First, Kumar brought up a recent incident of terror in the Himalayas that claimed the lives of nine Hindu pilgrims and injured thirty-three others.

“Watch the developing war scenario in hotspots across the globe as days pass by.” Kumar wrote.

And the doomsday might also be June 29. June 10 was the astrologer's prior prediction, and it happened.

State officials caution that even if World War I doesn't break out in a few days, it is still a major worry.

A few months ago, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation issued a warning, stating that there might be a war with Russia within the next 20 years.

For the second year in a row, the Doomsday Clock, which shows how near the world is to nuclear war, was likewise set to be 90 seconds from midnight.

